? IQAC Cell-COEPhaltan

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Metric.NoDetails Link
ExeExtendedProfileTemplatesClick Here
DD:840348IIQA ChargesClick Here
DD:840654First Installment of A&AClick Here
DD:841057Second Installment of A&AClick Here
DD:841056Lodgistic ChargesClick Here
2.7.1Student Satisfaction SurveyClick Here
2.7.1Student Satisfaction Survey 2019-20Click Here
2.7.1Student Satisfaction Survey 2020-21Click Here
2.7.1Student Satisfaction Survey 2021-22Click Here
2.7.1Student Satisfaction Survey 2021-22 - Google FormClick Here
2.7.1Student Satisfaction Survey 2022-23Click Here
1.4.1Feedback on CurriculumClick Here
7.2.1Best PracticesClick Here
VideoesClick Here