Research And Publication


1             Prof. R. H. Nikamhas attended A Workshop on �Advanced Computer Architecture and Embedded System� at KBP College of Engineering, Satara on 15,16 july 2013
2             Prof.Kalekar D. K has attended "A workshop on Basic Electrical Engineering" at KBP College of Engineering, Satara on 1 July 2013.
3             Prof .M. M. Gargadehas attended "A Workshop on Fundamental of Electronics and Computer" at T.K.I.E.T., Warananagar on 30thOct. 2013.
4             Prof.M. M. Gargade has participated in "Thesis Competition Held by 43rd ISTE and Presented a paper on Micro strip Patch Antenna" at T.K.I.E.T. ,Warananagar 19 and 21 Dec 2013.
5             Prof A.A. Ranaware has participated in Syllabus Drafting of SE E&TC at A.D. College of Engineering, Ashta, Sangli on Jan 2014.
6             Prof. R. H. Nikamhas attended "A workshop on Matlab Simulink and its applications in Communication & DSP" at KBP College of Engineering, Satara on 7 and 8 Feb 2014.
7             Prof. A.A. Ranaware has attended �A Workshop on Syllabus Setting of TE & BE E&TC� at B.V. College of Engineering, Kolhapur on Feb. 2014.
8             Prof A. A. Patil has secured GATE Exam Score 455/1000, 95.56%.
9             Prof. R. H. Nikam has published paper on �A Review of CORDIC algorithm in DDS based communication system�
10             Prof. R. H. Nikam has published paper on �Reconfigurable Fourier and Fermat Transform For Software Defined Radio�


1      KumthekarKunal, KadamMeghna has secured III rd rank in �Robotryst 2014�at IIT, Delhi.
2      GhadgeVaishnavi, GhogareJyoti ,DeokarAmruta ,SasteMadhuri ,SawantHimalay , SonawaneKomal and Dani Prasad have participated in Paper Presentation at Rajiv Ganghi polytechnic, Phaltan.
3      Ghadge Ajay, JadhavPankaj and Mane Swati, PhadatarePriyankahaveparticipated in Quiz Competition at Rajiv Ganghi polytechnic, Phaltan.
4      BeldarPragati, GhadgeSonam, GhadgeVaishnavi, GhorpadePooja andRautPriyanka have participated in Paper Presentation at Government College of Engineering, Karad.
5      Kudumbar Kumar and Mane Swati have participated in Quiz Competition at Government College of Engineering, Karad.


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