Extra Curricular Activities

Departmental Activities

1. PES's College of Engineering Phaltan, Department of Civil Engineering successfully completed *Tree Plantation Campaign* under the _" *One step towards Environment Awareness* "_ on the occasion of *World Enviroment Day* on 5th June. Staffs, Students and Alumini were enthusiastically participated in this activity and contributed to increase the natural Oxygen in Environment

2. Industrial Visit at Dhom Dam at Wai, Sewagr Treatment Plant at Pimperi-Chichwad site on 20 March 2015.

List Of Guest Lecture

Sr. No.Faculty Name & DesignationDateSubjectTopic Covered
1 Mr. Jaydeep Raje (Director Bhate Raje Company) 15/09/2014 Mechanisation in construction Shear Line machine, Slab concreting Method, Methods to remove shuttering
2 Mr. Suhas Deshpande (X-Chaireman BAI Pune) 15/09/2014 Modern Plumbing Practice Types of trap, material, Specification, Details of plumbing code, and Methods of water management.
3 Assoc. Prof. Nitsure S. P. (Assoc. Prof. Dept. Of Civil Engg. VIIT’s College Of Engg. Pune) 25/09/2014
Applied Mechanics
Strength Of Material
Applied Mechanics
Strength Of Material
Fluid Mechanics-I
Kinetics of Linear & Circular Motion
Theory of Torsion
Kinetics of Linear & Circular Motion
Theory of Torsion
Laminar & Turbulent Flow
4 Prof. Kumbhar H. M. (G K Gujar College Of Engg. Karad) 05/10/2014 Applied Mechanics Impact & Collision
5 Prof. Salunkhe T. V. (Junior Consaltant) Coefy International, San Fransisco 10/10/2014
Geotechnical Engg.-I Earth Pressure Theory
6 Prof. Patil R. A. (Annasaheb Dange College Of Engg. Ashta) 03/11/2014 Applied Mechanics Whole Syllabus Revision
7 Prof. Maskar A. D. S.B.Patil College Of Engg. Indapur) 29/03/2015 Geotechnical Engg.-II Shallow Foundation
8 Prof. Mahesh G. B. (Vidya Pratishthan’s College Of Engg. Baramati) 12/04/2015 Enviormental Engg. Solid Waste Managment


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