1 | Prof. Bhoite D. S. has published paper on "Effect Of Modeling Of Infill Walls On Performance Ofmulti Story Rc Building" IJCIET,ISSN 0976-6308 (Print) ISSN 0976-6316(Online), Volume 4, Issue 4, July-August (2013), pp. 243-250. IAEME, Journal Impact Factor (2013): 5.3277 (Calculated by GISI) |
2 | Prof Bhoite D.S. has attended ISTE short Term training programm at SVERI's college of Engineering Pandharpur on "Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering" on 23-27 June , 2014. |
3 | Prof Bhoite D.S. has attended State level 2 days workshop at SB Patil college of Engineering Indapur "Quality Improvement programme in Geotechnical Engineering" on Jan 3-4, 2013. |
4 | Prof Bhoite D.S. has attended the Open House during December 10-14, 2012 at IIT Kanpur (National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering). |
5 | Prof Ingale N.N. has present paper on "Assessment of Procurement Parameters for A Construction Project" in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 2 Issue: 12 3984-3986. |
6 | Prof Ingale N.N. has present paper on "Analysis of Critical Success Factors In Application of "DRYWALL" Technique in Construction Industry" in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 3Issue: 1 271-275. |
7 | Prof Ingale N.N. has present paper on "Determining Procurement process parameter for a construction project for managing resources in an optimal setting" in International Journal of scientific research and management studies in volume 1 issue 12 ISSN 2349-3771. |
8 | Prof..Gorad C.M. has attended 5 days ISTE Training Progrmmeon" Case Studies In Civil Engineering" at SVERI's college of Engineering Pandharpur" 22-26 DEC.2014. |
9 | Mechanics " at S.B. Patil college of Engineering Indapur " from 29 November 2013 to 04 December 2013. |
1 | Taware Aprna have Second price in Paper Presentation in "KURUKSHTRA-2K15" at C.O.E, Phaltan on 13 and 14 March 2015. |
2 | Dhumal Swapnil and Deokar Revannath have Third price in Bridge Model making in "KURUKSHTRA-2K15" at C.O.E, Phaltan on 13 and 14 March 2015. |
3 | Deokar Revannath,Kadam Akshay,Keskar Sagar, Ranaware Tejas and Saste Nikhil have participated for Model Making in "STHAPATYA '14" at Vidya Pratishathan C.O.E, Baramati on 7 and 8 Feb 2014. |
4 | Bhosale Vijaykumar has participated for AutoCAD Drawing in "STHAPATYA '14" at Vidya Pratishathan C.O.E, Baramati on 7 and 8 Feb 2014. |